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Chess Lessons and Puzzles

Check out these online chess lessons created on LiChess. Lessons are perfect for absolute beginners to advanced players. We highly recommend creating your own account so you can keep track of your learning progress. You can register and use all the learning resources on LiChess for free.

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Lesson 3: Chess Tactics - Fork
Fork Easy.png
Lesson 4: Chess Tactics - Pin (Part 2)
Lesson 5: Chess Tactics - Skewer (Part 2)
Lesson 7: Chess Tactics - Double Check
Double Check
Lesson 8: Introduction to Openings
Introduction to Openings
Lesson 10: Checkmate in Two Moves (Level 1)
Checkmate in Two.png
Lesson 11: Checkmate in Two (Level 2 - Part 2)
Mate in Two - B.png
Lesson 11: Checkmate in Two (Level 2 - Part 4)
Mate in Two - D.png
Lesson 12: Great Games by Morphy
Screen Shot 2019-09-03 at 12.36.52
Lesson 4: Chess Tactics - Pin (Part 1)
Lesson 5: Chess Tactics - Skewer (Part 1)
Lesson 6: Chess Tactics - Discovered Check
Discovered Check
Lesson 7: Chess Tactics - Double Check (Part 2)
Double Check
Lesson 11: Checkmate in Two (Level 2 - Part 1)
Mate in Two - A.png
Lesson 11: Checkmate in Two (Level 2 - Part 3)
Mate in Two - C.png
Lesson 11: Checkmate in Two (Level 2 - Part 5)
Mate in Two - E.png
Lesson 13: Playing the Best Move
Playing the Best Move.png
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